43rd ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Prague, Sept 11-13 2025
We are happy to announce that the 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on September 11th-13th 2025.
The International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) is deeply committed to the health and safety of our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, due to escalating risks, a physical meeting of our international colleagues and partners at the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC2020) in Cape Town 26–29 June, is no longer possible. While we are all disappointed that our face-to-face meeting is cancelled, the ICO remains devoted to bringing together the world's ophthalmologists to learn the latest from one another, and to advance eye... read more
Update 8th November 2019 - Pre programme added.
We are organizing from the 23rd to the 25th of January 2020 the ESOPRS WINTER MEETING in Val d 'Isère (France).
For this edition, the ESOPRS Winter Meeting will be joint to the French REGARDS CROISES meeting.
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We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2017 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Stockholm. There are sixteen new Full Members, one International Members, one Associate Member and one Candidate Member.
Dr Paola Bonavolonta, Naples, Italy
Dr Vladimir Kratky, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr Thibaut Devogelaere, Oudenburg, Belgium
Dr Peter Toft, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Jonathan Roos, Norwich, U.K.
Dr Evangelos Lindardos, Drosia, Greece
Dr Daniele Lorenzano, London, U.K.
Dr Andre Luis Borba da Silva, Lisboa, Portugal
Dr Ayse Dolar Bilge, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr Corina Ioana Butea-Simionescu, Bucharest Romania
Dr... read more
February 1st, 1954 - August 18th, 2022.
We would like to share the very sad news of the sudden death of Bruno FAYET on Friday August 18th, 2022.
Bruno FAYET, MD, FACS, was undoubtedly among the very best French lacrimal surgeons we have known.
First resident, in the eighties, at Paris University Hospital during five years, he then attended a four-year fellowship at the Hôtel-Dieu under the leadership of the well-known Professor Yves POULIQUEN, Member of the Académie française.
During this time, his... read more
From June 13 till 16, 2019 the biannual meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) will take place in Nice, France. The meeting’s venue will be the Acropolis Congress and Exhibition Centre in Nice, France.
The European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) will be represented at this event with courses on Blepharoplasty and Basics of Eyelid Surgery, and will run a symposium a joint Symposium together with the Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS).
Further information can... read more
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that we are in the last day for abstract submissions to the World Society of Ophthalmic, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons (WSOPRAS 2023).
With the support of over 30 major Oculoplastic societies, let us seize the opportunity to present your case-based discussions with experts alongside the traditional conference format.
The deadline for submissions of abstracts is on January 25, 2023.
Each submitter for E-videos and photographs must provide a link to the file when submitting the abstract... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2019 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Hamburg. There are seventeen new Full Members, one International Member, seven Associate Members and six Candidate Members, giving a total of 31 new members.
Adriaan Coumou, Netherlands
Anja Eckstein, Germany
Edgard Farah, France
Elizabeth Hawkes, United Kingdom
John Bladen, United Kingdom
Marta Calsina, Spain
Matthew Edmunds, United Kingdom
Matthias Keserü, Germany
Milena Sredkova, Bulgaria
Nick Koutroumanos, United Kingdom
Gamze Ozturk Karabulut, Turkey
Roberto Secondi, Spain
Ronald de Keizer, Netherlands
Theodora Tsirouki, Greece
Miroslav Knezevic, Serbia
Ilke Bahceci Simsek, Turkey
Yerena... read more
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Next year, in 2017, the local organisers Eva Dafgård Kopp, Elin Bohman and Sven Sahlin welcome you at the 36th Annual Meeting of ESOPRS.
Excellent speakers from Europe and elsewhere will contribute to the Pre-Meeting Course (14 September) and the Annual Meeting (15&16 September), which will be held in the famous Karolinska Institute.
In addition, they will organise a very attractive social program around the Meeting.
Please have a look at their flyer for further information.
Dion Paridaens, MD PhD
Secretary ESOPRS
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Dear colleagues and friends of ESOPRS!
It was a pleasure to host the 38th annual ESOPRS meeting in Hamburg!
The meeting was attended by over 700 colleagues from 61 nations over three days. Four, for those who arrived early and participated in our trial “lacrimal Wednesday”.
In the invitational letter, we stated that “our society’s meetings have always been known to be an occasion to connect not only professionally but to make friends across borders throughout our careers”. We hope that Hamburg welcomed... read more