
European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Membership

Application process

  1. Application deadline date is 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting start date (usually September 1st each year). This is subject to change and will be updated here if it changes.
  2. Applications are checked by the membership committee through the year.
  3. Applications are presented to the membership committee at the AGM.
  4. Applicants are notified within 2 weeks following the annual meeting and membership is activated if the subscription is paid before the end of the year.
  5. Memberships that do not have a paid subscription are removed.

(online application form available here)

This application form is designed to try and help the committee and members at the Annual General Meeting to decide what type of membership is appropriate to any individual. Inability to complete all sections of the form should not deter anyone interested from applying. Any additional information which may be required will be requested by the application committee.

The society places great emphasis on the value of attending and presenting papers at its meetings, and active participation in this way increases the chances of election. The following is a guide to the four types of membership:


Full Member

Ophthalmologists who are members of their European National Ophthalmological Society and who have

  • two presentations at ESOPRS meetings
  • two papers published on oculoplastic surgery in a peer review journal (level in agreement to the Committee decisions).
  • demonstration of sufficient knowledge and involvement with the subject to the satisfaction of the Committee.


Candidate Member

Candidates for full membership who do not as yet have sufficient experience of the subjects as assessed by the Committee but who wish to make a commitment to oculoplastic surgery. They should have published at least

  • one paper published on oculoplastic surgery.

Candidate members can apply for ESOPRS study grants (mini-fellowships)

Candidates who have not applied for full membership after 5 years can move to Associate or resign


International Member

Ophthalmologists from non-European countries who have

  • two presentations at ESOPRS  meetings
  • two papers published on oculoplastic surgery in a peer review journal (level in agreement to the Committee decisions).
  • ability to demonstrate a significant experience in the practice and teaching of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

International Members are sent the details of all meetings that are closed to members only and are considered full members of ESOPRS. However, International Members do not vote and may not serve on Committees.


Associate Members

  • Ophthalmologists from non-European countries.
  • Surgeons of allied specialities who are involved with ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Candidates that have not applied for full membership after 5 years can move to Associate or resign. Associates can always apply for membership at any time if their circumstances change.


Retired Members

  • Full members who retired will be kept as retired members which means their dues will be waived, but they will have all mailings of the Society and are welcome at Full members meetings.
  • 5 years after their last attendance at ESOPRS meetings they will be presumed to have no further interest in the Society and their membership will lapse.


Honorary Member

  • This title will be given to those who are fully retired and who have made an exceptional contribution on oculoplastic surgery. Suggestions will be made by any full member of the society and sent to the secretary. Their dues will be waived.


Annual membership fees

For Full members, International members and Associate members: 80.00 €
For Candidate members: 40.00 €

All members who have paid their annual subscription will be circularized with details of meetings, membership lists and addresses, etc. All members may attend the Annual General Meeting, but only full members may vote. Candidates are invited to apply for full membership when they become eligible, i.e. when they have the relevant publications and/or have more experience and involvement in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Online application form available here

Checking your membership number

Members can login to the members area dashboard to view their membership number. Membership number is also printed on member certificates available from the same dashboard.

When you login it will tell you your membership level, and whether your membership is active or expired. Only members with paid subscriptions are active members.

An active “Full Member” will see the following info:

An active “Full Member” will see the following info:
An account that is not a member will see the following info:
Your membership info is printed on your membership certificate available on the same dashboard