
Regulations of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery 

1. Title
European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (E.S.O.P.R.S.)

2. Aims
To advance the science and art of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery and to improve the practice and teaching of this subject in Europe.

3. Subjects
All aspects of eyelid, lacrimal, orbital and socket surgery.

4. Meetings
To be held once a year in different European cities and where possible the meeting to be related to the national ophthalmic meeting of the host country.

5. Format
The meeting has to be a combination of free papers and invited didactic presentations.

6. Attendance
The meeting to be open to anybody on payment of the registration fee which will be decided by the local organising committee of the host country. There will be a reduced registration fee for residents in training.

7. Membership
The following types of membership are available on application:

Full Member
Ophthalmologists who are members of their European National Ophthalmological Society and who have:
– two presentations at the E.S.O.P.R.S.
– two papers published on oculoplastic surgery in a peer review journal (level in agreement to the Committee decisions).
– demonstration of sufficient knowledge and involvement with the subject to the satisfaction of the Committee.

Candidate Member
Candidates for full membership who do not as yet have sufficient experience of the subjects as assessed by the Committee but who wish to make a commitment to oculoplastic surgery. They should have published at least one paper on oculoplastic surgery or one presentation at E.S.O.P.R.S.

Candidate members can apply for ESOPRS study grants (mini-fellowships)
Candidates who have not applied for full membership after 5 years can move to Associate or resign

International Member
Ophthalmologists from non-European countries who have:
– two presentations at E.S.O.P.R.S. meetings
– two papers published on oculoplastic surgery in a peer review journal (level in agreement to the Committee decisions).
– ability to demonstrate a significant experience in the practice and teaching of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

International Members are sent the details of all meetings that are closed to members only and are considered full members of ESOPRS. However, International Members do not vote and may not serve on Committees.

Associate Member
Ophthalmologists from non-European countries and surgeons of allied specialities who are involved with ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Candidates that have not applied for full membership after 5 years can move to Associate or resign.
Associates can always apply for membership at any time if their circumstances change.

Retired Member
Full members who retired will be kept as retired members which means their dues will be waved, but they will have all mailings of the Society and are welcome at Full Members meetings.

Five years after their last attendance at ESOPRS meetings they will be presumed to have no further interest in the Society and their membership will lapse.

Honorary Member
This title will be given to those who are fully retired and who have made an exceptional contribution on oculoplastic surgery. Suggestions will be made by any full member of the society and sent to the secretary. Their dues will be waved.

All members who have paid their annual subscription will be circularized with details of meetings, membership lists and addresses, etc. All members may attend the Annual General Meeting, but only full members may vote.
Candidates are invited to apply for full membership when they become eligible, i.e. when they have the relevant publications and/or have more experience and involvement in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.

8. Applications for Membership
Applications should be written in English and sent to the Secretary.
They should include a curriculum vitae with – if possible – a reprint or photocopy of the candidates’ three main publications most relevant to ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery and a short statement detailing the applicants’ experience and involvement in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.

9. Committee
A committee of 12 will be elected by members and will organise meetings, consider membership applications etc.
The committee’s proposals will be put to members at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The Committee will consist of a President, the President-elect and the immediate past-President, each serving for two years, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who will be elected for four years.
Countries with more than 10 % of the total number of full members can elect one member serving for four years. The Committee will choose additional members from the remainder of the full members, sufficient to bring the total to 12 persons. The selection of these additional members must be approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The President is not eligible for re-election, but all the other members may be re-elected after the term of four years. After this election the new Secretary can ask, when he wishes, the help and participation of the past Secretary.

10. Subscriptions
There will be a small subscription fee to cover the costs of circularizing information to members, secretarial expenses etc. (see 7)
Members will pay a full registration fee for attendance at meetings. Part of the cost of the annual subscription may be deducted from their registration fee.

The present membership fee is:
Full member – 80,00 €
Candidate – 40,00 €
Associate – 80,00 €
International – 80,00 €

11. Language
The preferred language is English. However, in line with the official policy of the European Ophthalmological Society, papers may be presented in French, German, or in the language of the host country, provided that the salient facts in the talk are simultaneously projected in English. Speakers are specifically requested to speak slowly and clearly and not to use abbreviations.

12. Dissolution
The society may be dissolved by a Resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of which 21 days’ notice shall have been given to the Members.
Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Society, provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the Society as the Society may determine and if and in so far as effect cannot be given to this provision, then to some other charitable purpose.