ESOPRS dedicated COVID-19 discussion forum
During these unprecedented times, with much of Europe in lockdown, we find ourselves in unchartered territory and unable to treat patients. Many of us now need to think innovatively about how we manage our patients and our practices. ESOPRS has created a dedicated discussion forum to share experiences; we will have much to learn from each other with different countries being in different phases of the pandemic surge. All ESOPRS members, will have access to this messaging area. This represents a unique international group of oculoplastic surgeons with a wide range of experiences to share.
There have already been many difficult issues raised such as how best to manage Immunosuppression for inflammatory orbital disease, the optimal use of telemedicine consultations, and also how best to manage staff costs during a period of flatlining income.
All posts on any related topic are welcome including clinical problems, practice management issues, training problems and personal experiences. Please see the following link to the discussion board, with the specific forum called “COVID-19 Discussions”
The username & password is the same as for your account. Once you are logged in to you should be able to go straight into the forum. If you have any problems getting access, please contact
With best wishes to all,
Daniel Ezra
George Charonis
ESOPRS Council