ESOPRS received recognition as a reciprocal society to APSOPRS
The European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) has been recognized as a reciprocal society to the Asia-Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS).
In 2013 ESOPRS was recognized as a reciprocal society to the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
APSOPRS thanks ESOPRS for continued collegial relationship with APSOPRS.
Dear colleagues and friends of ESOPRS!
It was a pleasure to host the 38th annual ESOPRS meeting in Hamburg!
The meeting was attended by over 700 colleagues from 61 nations over three days. Four, for those who arrived early and participated in our trial “lacrimal Wednesday”.
In the invitational letter, we stated that “our society’s meetings have always been known to be an occasion to connect not only professionally but to make friends across borders throughout our careers”. We hope that Hamburg welcomed... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2020 ESOPRS Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) of October 30th. There are fifteen new Full Members, two International Members, four Associate Members and two Candidate Members, giving a total of 23 new members.
New Full members 2020
Sajid Ataullah, Manchester, United Kingdom
Claire Daniel, London, United Kingdom
Martin Emesz, Zell am See, Austria
Pierre Escalas, Saint Herblain, France
Korhan Fazil, Istanbul, Turkey
Sri Gore, London, United Kingdom
Tarang Gupta, London, England
Gregor Hawlina, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gijsbert Hötte, Rotterdam, the... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2014 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Budapest. There are nine Full Members, one International Member, six Candidate Members and one Associate Member.
Dr. Paul Stephen Cannon, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Eva Dafgard-Kopp, MD/ Sweden
Dr. Juliette Delmas, MD/ France
Dr. George Kalantzis, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Ioannis Kyprianou MBChB, MRCOphth, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ Cyprus
Dr. Andre Litwin, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Maria-Christina Miller/ Germany
Dr. Vikesh Patel, MBChB, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ United Kingdom
Dr. Didem Serin/ Turkey
Dr. Alan McNab/ Australia
Dr.... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2024 ESOPRS Annual General Meeting (AGM) of September 13th, 2024. Their membership will become active once they pay for their subscription.
There are 20 new Full Members, 4 International Members, 6 Associate Members and 14 Candidate Members, giving a total of 44 new members.
New Full Members 2024
Jimmy Uddin, United Kingdom, FULL MEMBER
Zsuzsanna Antus, Hungary, FULL MEMBER
Sarfati Eric, France, FULL MEMBER
Francisco Zamorano Martín, Spain, FULL MEMBER
Wanlin Fan, Germany, FULL MEMBER
Claire De... read more
Dear ESOPRS Colleagues,
A message of support from your ANZSOPS colleagues
In a breathtakingly short time the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the world bringing terrible loss of life, wreaking havoc with health services and threatening the livelihood of millions as businesses struggle to remain afloat during widespread lockdown of entire countries.
Many of you, your families, friends and colleagues will already have been affected by these events. To those who have lost loved ones or colleagues, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy... read more
We are sad to announce the sudden loss of two or our most senior and revered lacrimal surgeons, Professor Jeffrey Jay Hurwitz (Canada) and Professor Sergey Shkolnick (Russia).
Jeffrey Jay Hurwitz
Professor Hurwitz, International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye (ISD-DE) Councillor, passed away on 4th February 2022 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada, where he had been the Ophthalmologist-in-Chief for over three decades. He was the author of one of the original books on Lacrimal Surgery which has survived the... read more
An extraordinary Full Members Meeting (online) was scheduled to be held on January 15th on 09.30 CET.
UPDATE: 6th December 2021
The Council has just agreed to postpone the extraordinary AGM meeting that was going to be scheduled for January 15th, until further notice due to work in progress regarding the new CIO of ESOPRS and the ESOPRS book project.
We will update this post when the date for the extraordinary AGM has been agreed. read more
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of the World’s finest oculoplastic surgeons, Dr Richard L Anderson.
Dr. Richard Anderson (Rick) was a World-renowned professor, author and speaker. He has published over 300 scientific peer-reviewed articles, over 100 book chapters, and 3 books on eyelid, orbital and facial plastic and cosmetic surgery. He has delivered over 1,000 papers at scientific meetings. He was the founder of many modern-day techniques in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the... read more
In September this year we had the pleasure of meeting friends and colleagues in the ancient setting of Naples, during our 41st Annual Meeting of ESOPRS. The host, Diego Strianese had been a fellow to Prof Jack Rootman in Vancouver, Canada more than 20 years earlier and had invited his mentor to give a keynote during his Meeting. A tribute to his hero, who he owed so much. As Prof Rootman could not make it to Naples, he gave a... read more
The 28th Annual Meeting of ESOPRS was held from 9 - 11 September 2010 in Munich. Almost 450 attendees from more than 50 nations registered for this European meeting.
Highlights of the meeting were two invited Guest lectures:
Guest Lecture I on Friday, September 8 at 13.30
Prof. Jack Rootmann, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C), Diplomate A.A.O., Vancouver
“Pearls and Pitfalls in Orbital Surgery –
37 Years of Experience”
Guest Lecture II
Dr. Petros Perros, M.D., MB, BS, Newcastle
“Thyroidology for Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeons”
The Mustarde-Lecture was given by Anthony Tyers from... read more