As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented public health challenge, and we were forced to postpone our Annual Meeting a full year. Hopefully we will physically meet again in Naples in September 2021.
In the meantime, to serve our members and those interested in our teaching activities, we held several webinars on various topics relating to challenging cases in Oculoplastics, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgery: a live ESOPRS Academy. We will continue in 2021 if this initiative will be successful, hopefully with an input from all interested Members.
Francesco Quaranta Leoni – President
Dion Paridaens – Secretary
David Verity – Treasurer
The Committee of ESOPRS strongly supports the initiative of Dan Georgescu who invites all young ESOPRS (candidate) members to join the YESOPRS group in Athens 2016.
Dion Paridaens,
Secretary ESOPRS
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Dear colleagues and friends,
We want to thank everyone who joined us in Rotterdam for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery! With over 800 participants, this year's event was one of ESOPRS' largest gatherings ever. The ESOPRS Committee is very grateful for the efforts made by the local organizers: President Dion Paridaens, Peerooz Saeed, Ronald de Keizer, Gijsbert Hotte, Sodaba Khatab and Ozlem Engin, who kindly hosted the meeting with the support of... read more
ESOPRS is involved in a number of sessions during the SOE 2017 Congress. A stimulating and exciting scientific programme includes a Keynote Lecture from former ESOPRS President Mr Anthony Tyers, but also other ESOPRS members and Committee Members will speak at various sessions.
It is once again expected that over 3500 delegates from over 100 countries will attend the Congress and promises to be another very successful SOE Congress.
For further information please visit: read more
To increase the communication between members on the forum, each subscribed member now gets an email when new posts are added to the “All Case Discussions” forum. You can turn off the email notification from the forum.
Click on the “All Case Discussions” to enter the specific forum
If you are “Subscribed” to get email notification it will have a yellow box to allow you to “Unsubscribe” if you wish.
If you are not subscribed, you can click “Subscribe to this forum” and... read more
Updated: 05/05/2021
On behalf of ESOPRS’ Executive Officers Francesco Quaranta-Leoni, David Verity and local organizers Diego Strianese and Adriana Iuliano, I would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the anticipated Annual Meeting in September 2021 to 2023 due to the COVID pandemic.
We feel that Naples is a splendid venue, which deserves a physical Annual Meeting with many attendees in 2023.
We are organizing a 100% virtual Meeting in the fall of this year, 2021.
The new venue-scheme of Annual... read more
ESOPRS is proud to provide partnership support to the first on-line International Symposium on Wartime Ophthalmic Trauma, organised by ASOPRS. The meeting is on May 7, 2022, with costs generously covered by ASOPRS. It will be a 2-hour session starting at 5pm CEST (8am PST / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST / IST 2030).
More info hereread more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2023 ESOPRS Annual General Meeting (AGM) of September 15, 2023.
There are 19 new Full Members, 5 International Members, 8 Associate Members and 3 Candidate Members, giving a total of 35 new members.
New Full Members 2023
Pierre-Vincent Jacomet, France, FULL MEMBER
Giorgio Albanese, Italy, FULL MEMBER
Giovanni Cuffaro, Italy, FULL MEMBER
Georgi Balchev, Bulgaria, FULL MEMBER
Christiane Maria Loth (né Decker), Germany, FULL MEMBER
Aaron Jamison, United Kingdom, FULL MEMBER
Volkan Dericioglu, Turkey, FULL MEMBER
Anne Wiencke,... read more
February 1st, 1954 - August 18th, 2022.
We would like to share the very sad news of the sudden death of Bruno FAYET on Friday August 18th, 2022.
Bruno FAYET, MD, FACS, was undoubtedly among the very best French lacrimal surgeons we have known.
First resident, in the eighties, at Paris University Hospital during five years, he then attended a four-year fellowship at the Hôtel-Dieu under the leadership of the well-known Professor Yves POULIQUEN, Member of the Académie française.
During this time, his... read more