An extraordinary Full Members Meeting (online) was scheduled to be held on January 15th on 09.30 CET.
UPDATE: 6th December 2021
The Council has just agreed to postpone the extraordinary AGM meeting that was going to be scheduled for January 15th, until further notice due to work in progress regarding the new CIO of ESOPRS and the ESOPRS book project.
We will update this post when the date for the extraordinary AGM has been agreed.
Join the more than 1,200 ophthalmologists from 84 countries who have been granted ICO Fellowships. The ICO Fellowships program supports promising young ophthalmologists from low resource countries in improving their practical skills and broadening their knowledge of ophthalmology.Apply for three-month, six-month or one-year opportunities with top host organizations around the world. Once your fellowship is complete, you’ll take your learnings and experiences back to your home country to enhance vital programs that preserve vision and prevent vision impairment. read more
John Wright -- known affectionately to colleagues as “JW” -- was born in May 1933 and, with clouds of war brewing over Europe, he was evacuated and spent much of his childhood in North Wales. Learning was very much fostered in the family environment, his father being headmaster at a local school, and JW completed his grammar school years with award of the prestigious County Medical Scholarship. He attended Liverpool Medical School, where he graduated MB ChB in 1956,... read more
The Executive Council of ESOPRS is happy to announce the future collaboration of ESOPRS with the Associazione Italiana Medici Oculisti (AIMO) as partner societies.
AIMO has about 1000 members, has a website and organizes Annual Meetings, which include oculoplastic symposia. ESOPRS looks forward to a fruitful exchange of scientific knowledge between the two societies and welcomes AIMO members to our Annual Meetings. read more
Dear Colleagues,We are pleased to announce that we are in the last day for abstract submissions to the World Society of Ophthalmic, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons (WSOPRAS 2023).With the support of over 30 major Oculoplastic societies, let us seize the opportunity to present your case-based discussions with experts alongside the traditional conference format.The deadline for submissions of abstracts is on January 25, 2023.Each submitter for E-videos and photographs must provide a link to the file when submitting the... read more
Last week our Treasurer David Verity has signed the contract with the professional congress organizer in Nice. Local organisers will be Jacques Lagier and Olivier Galatoire, assisted by Arnaud Martel and Jerome Delas. read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2014 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Budapest. There are nine Full Members, one International Member, six Candidate Members and one Associate Member.FULL MEMBERSHIPDr. Paul Stephen Cannon, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Eva Dafgard-Kopp, MD/ Sweden
Dr. Juliette Delmas, MD/ France
Dr. George Kalantzis, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Ioannis Kyprianou MBChB, MRCOphth, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ Cyprus
Dr. Andre Litwin, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Maria-Christina Miller/ Germany
Dr. Vikesh Patel, MBChB, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ United Kingdom
Dr. Didem Serin/ TurkeyINTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIPDr. Alan McNab/ AustraliaCANDIDATE... read more
A joint APSOPRS-ESOPRS WebinarSaturday 2nd July 2022More info here read more
Updated: 05/05/2021
On behalf of ESOPRS’ Executive Officers Francesco Quaranta-Leoni, David Verity and local organizers Diego Strianese and Adriana Iuliano, I would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the anticipated Annual Meeting in September 2021 to 2023 due to the COVID pandemic.We feel that Naples is a splendid venue, which deserves a physical Annual Meeting with many attendees in 2023.We are organizing a 100% virtual Meeting in the fall of this year, 2021.The new venue-scheme of... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2016 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Athens. There are fifteen new Full Members, four International Members, and two Candidate Members.
Dr Carlo Graziani, Torino, Italy
Dr Suresh Saygili, Shrewsbury, U.K.
Dr Richard Scawn, London, U.K.
Dr Luz Gonzalez, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Gustavo Savino, Rome, Italy
Dr Elin Bohman, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Andrea Sciscio, Rome, Italy
Dr Dyonne Hartong, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dr Alessandra Modugno, Rome, Italy
Dr Jelena Mandic, Zagreb, Croatia
Dr Ralf Ungerechts, Darmstadt, Germany
Dr Guy Missotten, Louvain,... read more