Join young ESOPRS group YESOPRS in Athens 2016
The Committee of ESOPRS strongly supports the initiative of Dan Georgescu who invites all young ESOPRS (candidate) members to join the YESOPRS group in Athens 2016.
Dion Paridaens,
Secretary ESOPRS
43rd ESOPRS annual meeting in Prague, Sept 11-13, 2025 more info here
The Committee of ESOPRS strongly supports the initiative of Dan Georgescu who invites all young ESOPRS (candidate) members to join the YESOPRS group in Athens 2016.
Dion Paridaens,
Secretary ESOPRS
An extraordinary Full Members Meeting (online) was scheduled to be held on January 15th on 09.30 CET. UPDATE: 6th December 2021 The Council has just agreed to postpone the extraordinary AGM meeting that was going to be scheduled for January 15th, until further notice due to work in progress regarding the new CIO of ESOPRS and the ESOPRS book project. We will update this post when the date for the extraordinary AGM has been agreed. read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2024 ESOPRS Annual General Meeting (AGM) of September 13th, 2024. Their membership will become active once they pay for their subscription. There are 20 new Full Members, 4 International Members, 6 Associate Members and 14 Candidate Members, giving a total of 44 new members.
To promote and stimulate new members there will be an e-poster session during the 2021 ESOPRS meeting. You are invited to submit abstracts in any of the scientific topics: Eyelid, orbit, lacrimal, aesthetics or socket. Abstracts must be original, written in English and not previously presented or published prior the meeting. Deadline for submission is 31st July 2021. The authors will be informed of the decision on acceptance of their abstracts by the Mid of August. Please submit your abstracts here read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2016 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Athens. There are fifteen new Full Members, four International Members, and two Candidate Members.
The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery announces that Mark J. Lucarelli, MD, FACS, has assumed the Presidency for 2020. The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) was founded in 1969 to establish a qualified body of surgeons with excellence in the highly specialized field of oculofacial plastic surgery. ASOPRS has achieved this through its commitment to the advancement of education, research and the quality of clinical practice in the fields of aesthetic and reconstructive... read more
The 28th Annual Meeting of ESOPRS was held from 9 - 11 September 2010 in Munich. Almost 450 attendees from more than 50 nations registered for this European meeting. Highlights of the meeting were two invited Guest lectures: Guest Lecture I on Friday, September 8 at 13.30 Prof. Jack Rootmann, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C), Diplomate A.A.O., Vancouver “Pearls and Pitfalls in Orbital Surgery – 37 Years of Experience” Guest Lecture II Dr. Petros Perros, M.D., MB, BS, Newcastle “Thyroidology for Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeons” The Mustarde-Lecture was given by Anthony Tyers from... read more
ESOPRS winter meeting 2024 will be held from 24th to 28th January 2024 at Sportresort Alpenblick, Zell am See-Kaprun, Austria. Please note the meeting will be only open to FULL and INTERNATIONAL ESOPRS members. For registration, meeting and/or travel information, please contact ESOPRSwinter2024-270923-c read more
ESOPRS membership annual subscription fees have not been increased for a very long time. From 2013 onwards the annual membership fees for Full members and International members will increase from 60.00 € to 80.00 €, for Candidate members from 25.00 € to 40.00 € and for Associate members from 35.00 € to 80.00 €. This was approved by the AGM. The membership fee can easily be paid on the ESOPRS website, using the PayPal system. The Committee has also decided to make the... read more
Updated: 05/05/2021 On behalf of ESOPRS’ Executive Officers Francesco Quaranta-Leoni, David Verity and local organizers Diego Strianese and Adriana Iuliano, I would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the anticipated Annual Meeting in September 2021 to 2023 due to the COVID pandemic. We feel that Naples is a splendid venue, which deserves a physical Annual Meeting with many attendees in 2023. We are organizing a 100% virtual Meeting in the fall of this year, 2021. The new venue-scheme of Annual... read more
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