To promote and stimulate new members there will be an e-poster session during the 2021 ESOPRS meeting. You are invited to submit abstracts in any of the scientific topics: Eyelid, orbit, lacrimal, aesthetics or socket.
Abstracts must be original, written in English and not previously presented or published prior the meeting. Deadline for submission is 31st July 2021. The authors will be informed of the decision on acceptance of their abstracts by the Mid of August. Please submit your abstracts here
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Dear colleagues and friends of ESOPRS!
It was a pleasure to host the 38th annual ESOPRS meeting in Hamburg!
The meeting was attended by over 700 colleagues from 61 nations over three days. Four, for those who arrived early and participated in our trial “lacrimal Wednesday”.
In the invitational letter, we stated that “our society’s meetings have always been known to be an occasion to connect not only professionally but to make friends across borders throughout our careers”. We hope that Hamburg welcomed... read more
Updated: 05/05/2021
On behalf of ESOPRS’ Executive Officers Francesco Quaranta-Leoni, David Verity and local organizers Diego Strianese and Adriana Iuliano, I would like to inform you that we have decided to postpone the anticipated Annual Meeting in September 2021 to 2023 due to the COVID pandemic.
We feel that Naples is a splendid venue, which deserves a physical Annual Meeting with many attendees in 2023.
We are organizing a 100% virtual Meeting in the fall of this year, 2021.
The new venue-scheme of Annual... read more
Inna Vladimirovna Sasim was born and raised in Baranovitsji, a small town southwest of Minsk in the former Sovjet state of Belarus. She passed high school with high marks and studied medicine in Minsk with just as good results. Like her older sister, she specialized in ophthalmology and became a staff-member in Hospital 10 in Minsk. After completing a PhD at the University of Minsk, she developed an interest in orbitology and oculoplastic surgery and went to Utrecht, the Netherlands,... read more
Obituary Prof. Dr. Holger Busse, 1.1.1945 - 29.8.2020
It is our sad duty to announce the unexpected passing of our friend and colleague Holger Busse last Saturday, 29.8.2020. As many of us will know, Holger was one of the founders of ESOPRS in the early eighties last century. He was the Chair of the University Eye Hospital in Münster for 24 years from 1986 - 2010. In 1998/99, Prof. Busse was President of the German Ophthalmological Society, DOG. In 2001-2003 he... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2014 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Budapest. There are nine Full Members, one International Member, six Candidate Members and one Associate Member.
Dr. Paul Stephen Cannon, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Eva Dafgard-Kopp, MD/ Sweden
Dr. Juliette Delmas, MD/ France
Dr. George Kalantzis, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Ioannis Kyprianou MBChB, MRCOphth, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ Cyprus
Dr. Andre Litwin, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Maria-Christina Miller/ Germany
Dr. Vikesh Patel, MBChB, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ United Kingdom
Dr. Didem Serin/ Turkey
Dr. Alan McNab/ Australia
Dr.... read more
The European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) has been recognized as a reciprocal society to the Asia-Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS).
In 2013 ESOPRS was recognized as a reciprocal society to the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
APSOPRS thanks ESOPRS for continued collegial relationship with APSOPRS. read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2021 ESOPRS Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) of October 9th, 2021.
There are 11 new Full Members, 1 International Members, 6 Associate Members and 2 Candidate Members, giving a total of 20 new members.
New Full members 2021
Bazil Stoica , Spain
Johanna V. Berggren , Sweden
Josefine Bunke , Sweden
Mehmet Serhat Mangan , Turkey
Natasa Mihailovic , Germany
Nina Jovanovic , Bosnia & Herzegovina
Rob van der Veen , Spain
Sarju Athwal , United Kingdom
Sertaç Argun Kıvanç... read more
Update 8th November 2019 - Pre programme added.
We are organizing from the 23rd to the 25th of January 2020 the ESOPRS WINTER MEETING in Val d 'Isère (France).
For this edition, the ESOPRS Winter Meeting will be joint to the French REGARDS CROISES meeting.
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