Junior Award


The E.S.O.P.R.S. awards a prize for the best research by a young scientist. At the close of the annual meeting the President of the Society will present the award. A skin hook inscribed “E.S.O.P.R.S. Junior Award” will be handed over to the winner at the next annual meeting. It is hoped that this award will inspire young scientists to increase their research and development in plastic, reconstructive, lid, orbital and lacrimal surgery. Abstracts to be submitted must meet the following requirement :

1. The author must be 35 years of age or younger.

2. The abstract has to be submitted and has to be accepted by the Programme Committee before applying for the Junior Award.

3. The research must deal with the orbit and/or ocular adnexa. Basic research on anatomical histopathological or physiopathological problems, as well as clinical/experimental work will be accepted. The work must have been carried out in a European department and be original and unpublished.

4. Only one person per submission can apply for the award. Collaborative papers (maximum three investigators) will be accepted only if they represent exceptional or outstanding discoveries.

5. The deadline to apply for the award is 14th of August 2024. This requires a paper submission of up to ten pages, and an outline on how the money of the award would be used. This should be emailed to esoprs2024@erasmusmc.nl

6. The winner must present a short outline on how they benefitted from the award at the next meeting of E.S.O.P.R.S.

7. The Jury of five members will be selected by the Committee. The jury will consist of the President, the Secretary, and three members of the committee. They will select the winning paper by majority vote.

8. The price of the award is 3000 € (Euro) and must be used to further the education of the winner.

Organisational remark: Applications for the junior award should kindly directed to the local organizer of the Annual Meeting at esoprs2024@erasmusmc.nl and for information only to the secretary of ESOPRS, secretary@esoprs.eu.

Past Junior Awards

1993 Beigi Bijan – Ireland
Ragged Red Fibers in the orbicularis oculi muscle and their significance.

1994 Villain Max – France
Experimental model of optic nerve fenestration : Histology,Ultrastructural and glial immunocy to chemistry.

1995 No award

1996 Jacques Lasudry – Belgium
Multipositional high resolution. Magnetic resonance of the human orbit functional anatomy.

1996 I.A. Filatova – Russia
Comparison of different carbon composites as orbital implants in rabbits.

1997 No proposal.

1998 No award

1999 Fernando Colombo – Germany
Chronic inflammation in dermoid cysts – a clinicopathologic study of 115 patients.

2000 Biljana Kuzmanovic – Croatia
Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Levator Aponeurosis in Aponeurotic Ptosis

2001 No award

2002 M. Schittkowski – Germany
Self-inflating hydrogel expanders for the treatment of congenital anophthalmos – clinical outcome and biomechanical modifications.

2003 No award

2004 G. Missotten – Netherlands
Cytotoxic effect of sodium hypochlorite 0,5% on ocular melanoma cells in vitro

2005 T. F. W. McMullan – United Kingdom
Towards an understanding of congenital ptosis

2006 A. Tylor – United Kingdom/Australia
Blepharophimosis – Ptosis and Epicanthus inversus Syndrome (BPES): Objective analysis of
surgical outcome in patients from a single unit

2007 G. Casse – France
Videonystagmography as a tool to assess blepharospasm before and after surgery

2007 L. M. Heindl – Germany
A clinicopathologic study of nasal mucosa in 350 patients with external dacryocystorhinostomy

2008 No award

2009 D.G. Ezra – United Kingdom
Tensional heeostasis in floppy eyelid syndrome

2009 I Moesen – United Kingdom
Nitrous oxide cryotherapy for primary periocuzlar basal cell carcinoma: outcome at 5 years follow-up

2010 Saif Abed – United Kingdom
“A Cadaveric Study of the Morphometric and Geometric Relationships of the Orbital Apex”

2011 No award

2012 No award

2013 Matthew R. Edmunds – United Kingdom
“Metabolomic Analysis of Serum in Graves’ Disease and Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy: A Diagnostic Tool?”

2014 No award

2015 No award

2016 Hannah Timlin – United Kingdom
“Characterising the unenterable and stenosed lacrimal punctal region using anterior segment optical coherence tomography and infrared imaging”

2017 Dilyara Ismailova – Russian Federation
“Clinical Features of Different Orbital Manifestations of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis”

2018 Alexander Rokohl – Germany
“Cryolite Glass Prosthetic Eyes- The Response of the Anophthalmic Socket”

2019 & 2020 No award

2021 Nicole George – United Kingdom
“Developing a Radiological Activity Score for the diagnosis and surveillance of Graves’ Orbitopathy”
view ePoster here

2022 Wanlin Fan – Germany
“Quantitative volumetric study of different periocular tumor models”

2023 Mohsan Malik – United Kingdom
“Robotic Assisted Orbital Surgery for resection of advanced periocular tumours”

2024 Malik Moledina – United Kingdom