New ESOPRS-Membership Subscription Fees
ESOPRS membership annual subscription fees have not been increased for a very long time.
From 2013 onwards the annual membership fees for Full members and International members will increase from 60.00 € to 80.00 €, for Candidate members from 25.00 € to 40.00 € and for Associate members from 35.00 € to 80.00 €. This was approved by the AGM.
The membership fee can easily be paid on the ESOPRS website, using the PayPal system.
The Committee has also decided to make the online version of “Orbit” available for free on the ESOPRS website for all Full, International and Candidate members, who had paid all their subscriptions. This project is envisaged to start with the beginning of the year 2013, depending on the negotiations with the publisher. As soon “Orbit” will be available, the members will be notified.