ESOPRS membership annual subscription fees have not been increased for a very long time.
From 2013 onwards the annual membership fees for Full members and International members will increase from 60.00 € to 80.00 €, for Candidate members from 25.00 € to 40.00 € and for Associate members from 35.00 € to 80.00 €. This was approved by the AGM.
The membership fee can easily be paid on the ESOPRS website, using the PayPal system.
The Committee has also decided to make the online version of “Orbit” available for free on the ESOPRS website for all Full, International and Candidate members, who had paid all their subscriptions. This project is envisaged to start with the beginning of the year 2013, depending on the negotiations with the publisher. As soon “Orbit” will be available, the members will be notified.
From June 13 till 16, 2019 the biannual meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) will take place in Nice, France. The meeting’s venue will be the Acropolis Congress and Exhibition Centre in Nice, France.
The European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) will be represented at this event with courses on Blepharoplasty and Basics of Eyelid Surgery, and will run a symposium a joint Symposium together with the Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (APSOPRS).
Further information can... read more
Dear colleagues and friends,
We want to thank everyone who joined us in Rotterdam for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery! With over 800 participants, this year's event was one of ESOPRS' largest gatherings ever. The ESOPRS Committee is very grateful for the efforts made by the local organizers: President Dion Paridaens, Peerooz Saeed, Ronald de Keizer, Gijsbert Hotte, Sodaba Khatab and Ozlem Engin, who kindly hosted the meeting with the support of... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2014 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Budapest. There are nine Full Members, one International Member, six Candidate Members and one Associate Member.
Dr. Paul Stephen Cannon, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Eva Dafgard-Kopp, MD/ Sweden
Dr. Juliette Delmas, MD/ France
Dr. George Kalantzis, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Ioannis Kyprianou MBChB, MRCOphth, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ Cyprus
Dr. Andre Litwin, MD/ United Kingdom
Dr. Maria-Christina Miller/ Germany
Dr. Vikesh Patel, MBChB, FRCSEd(Ophth)/ United Kingdom
Dr. Didem Serin/ Turkey
Dr. Alan McNab/ Australia
Dr.... read more
During the last Annual Meeting of ESOPRS in Hamburg it was decided that the Israeli Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ISOPRS) is formally associated with ESOPRS as a sister society. ESOPRS has many active international members from Israel and the Councils of both societies were keen to formally collaborate in scientific events in the future.
ESOPRS has collaborations with larger societies representing multiple nations (Asian Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery APSOPRS) or large united nations (American... read more
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we must let you know of the passing of our colleague Tony Tyers.
As many of you will know, Tony bore a progressive illness over the past few years with characteristic strength, resilience, and commitment both to his family and his work. He was a great teacher, a towering authority in ophthalmology, and a true friend to us all.
Amongst his many contributions, Tony will be remembered for his colour atlas of... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2018 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Bucharest. There are fifteen new Full Members, one International Member, four Associate Members and ten Candidate Members.
Angelika Klein-Theyer
Anna March, Spain
Christine Eenhorst, Netherlands
Daliborka Miletic, Croatia
Malin Malmsjo
Adeela Malik
Parinaz Shams, United Kingdom
Rachna Murthy, United Kingdom
Rebecca Ford
Stijn Genders, Netherlands
Juan Carlos Sanchez Espana
Guilherme Castela, Portugal
Nikhil Carlo Cascone
Zornitsa Zlatarova, Bulgaria
Aylin Garip Kuebler, Germany
Sylvia Green, Germany
Ivana Cardoso Pereira, Brazil
Carlos Ramos
Andres Lozano
Grégory Destruhaut, France
Jae Woo Jang
Huw Edward Oliphant, United Kingdom
Ivan Tanev, Bulgaria
Rob van der Veen, Netherlands
Simon Dulz, Germany
Gijsbert Hotte
Vasily Yartsev, Russia
Annemarie Klingenstein, Germany
Sertaç Argun... read more
Join the more than 1,200 ophthalmologists from 84 countries who have been granted ICO Fellowships. The ICO Fellowships program supports promising young ophthalmologists from low resource countries in improving their practical skills and broadening their knowledge of ophthalmology.
Apply for three-month, six-month or one-year opportunities with top host organizations around the world. Once your fellowship is complete, you’ll take your learnings and experiences back to your home country to enhance vital programs that preserve vision and... read more
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2024 ESOPRS Annual General Meeting (AGM) of September 13th, 2024. Their membership will become active once they pay for their subscription.
There are 20 new Full Members, 4 International Members, 6 Associate Members and 14 Candidate Members, giving a total of 44 new members.
New Full Members 2024
Jimmy Uddin, United Kingdom, FULL MEMBER
Zsuzsanna Antus, Hungary, FULL MEMBER
Sarfati Eric, France, FULL MEMBER
Francisco Zamorano Martín, Spain, FULL MEMBER
Wanlin Fan, Germany, FULL MEMBER
Claire De... read more
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of the World’s finest oculoplastic surgeons, Dr Richard L Anderson.
Dr. Richard Anderson (Rick) was a World-renowned professor, author and speaker. He has published over 300 scientific peer-reviewed articles, over 100 book chapters, and 3 books on eyelid, orbital and facial plastic and cosmetic surgery. He has delivered over 1,000 papers at scientific meetings. He was the founder of many modern-day techniques in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the... read more
On the 5th of February the digital ESOPRS/ASOPRS symposium on ’Nuances in Periocular Reconstruction’ was held. The two hour interactive Meeting was well attended by more than 400 attendees from the US, Europa and other parts of the world. Regretfully, due to technical reasons not all who had wanted to register for the Meeting were able to. The recorded symposium is available here for ESOPRS members.
The organizers were Dr Richard Allen, Dr Eva Dafgard Kopp, Dr Francesco Quaranta Leoni, Dr... read more