Join young ESOPRS group YESOPRS in Athens 2016
The Committee of ESOPRS strongly supports the initiative of Dan Georgescu who invites all young ESOPRS (candidate) members to join the YESOPRS group in Athens 2016. Dion Paridaens, Secretary ESOPRS
43rd ESOPRS annual meeting in Prague, Sept 11-13, 2025 more info here
The Committee of ESOPRS strongly supports the initiative of Dan Georgescu who invites all young ESOPRS (candidate) members to join the YESOPRS group in Athens 2016. Dion Paridaens, Secretary ESOPRS
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2015 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Brussels. There are nine Full Members, five International Members, seven Candidate Members and six...
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2014 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Budapest. There are nine Full Members, one International Member, six Candidate Members and one...
We congratulate our new ESOPRS members, who were accepted at the 2013 ESOPRS Annual Meeting in Barcelona. There are three Full Members, one International Member and five Candidate Members. New ESOPRS...
The European Society of Ophthlmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has been recognized as a reciprocal society to the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. ASOPRS thanks ESOPRS’ for continued...
ESOPRS membership annual subscription fees have not been increased for a very long time. From 2013 onwards the annual membership fees for Full members and International members will increase from 60.00...
The ESOPRS Committee congratulates the new ESOPRS members, who were accepted in 2012! New-members-list-2012.pdf (119 KB)
Dear ESOPRS Members, On behalf of the ESOPRS committee we would like to announce ESOPRS new website . This website has been completely redesigned and now is running – hopefully...
The 28th Annual Meeting of ESOPRS was held from 9 - 11 September 2010 in Munich. Almost 450 attendees from more than 50 nations registered for this European meeting. Highlights of...
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